CPSC-102: Computing and Algorithms II

Programming Assignment 1

Summer 1998

In this programming assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of material covered in CPSC-101 (and re-acquaint yourself with the Java environment) by creating a simple database query system for a video store.

File Input

Your program will accept a single argument on the command line, which is a non-empty string giving the name of a file in the current directory.

This file will contain at most 20 descriptions of movie videos. Each video will be represented by 4 lines:

Your program will begin by reading in this information and storing it internally in an appropriate format. (See Internal Requirements.)

Interactive Input

Your program will then interact with the user running the program, offering the user a menu of commands. The following commands should be offered at this time:

Internal Requirements

As always, your program should use good style, as defined by the CPSC-102 Style Requirements handout.

Your program should validate input whenever possible. For example:

Your program should catch (and handle appropriately) all exceptions generated by any system routines you use, as well as any exceptions you generate yourself. (That is, your main method should not throw any exceptions.)

Your program should be designed with modifiability in mind. We will be revising and extending this program several times throughout the semester; consequently, it is to your benefit to design your program in as modular a fashion as possible. In particular:

You will be replacing these classes several times through the semester as we learn about different data structures and techniques. Thus, it is to your advantage to make your design as modular as possible.

A Sample Session

Here is a sample data file which could be read by this program:

Star Trek: First Contact
Citizen Kane
Chariots of Fire
Blues Brothers, The
And here is a sample interactive session:
nova -: java Prog1 datafile
Welcome to the Kettering Video Database: Version 1.0

Current available commands:
1 --> Search for a video
2 --> Print all videos
9 --> Exit
Your choice? 2


Title:    Star Trek: First Contact
Released: 1996
Runtime:  110 minutes
Available:  Yes

Title:    Citizen Kane
Released: 1941
Runtime:  119 minutes
Available:  Yes

Title:    Chariots of Fire
Released: 1981
Runtime:  123
Available:  No

Title:    Blues Brothers, The
Released: 1980
Runtime:  133
Available:  false

End of Database.

Current available commands:
1 --> Search for a video
2 --> Print all videos
9 --> Exit
Your choice? 1

Title to find? Chariots of Fire

Title:    Chariots of Fire
Released: 1981
Runtime:  123
Available:  No

Current available commands:
1 --> Search for a video
2 --> Print all videos
9 --> Exit
Your choice? 1

Title to find? Titanic

The specified video could not be found.

Current available commands:
1 --> Search for a video
2 --> Print all videos
9 --> Exit
Your choice? 9
nova -: 

Notice that this is a sample run; your run may operate differently as long as it fulfills the requirements outlined above.

You should create several input files in order to test your program thoroughly; do not assume that simply testing the program on the input file shown above is sufficient to test your program. (What happens if the input file is empty? What if it contains too many entries? How will you handle these cases?)

Submitting Your Program

Before 11:59:59 p.m., Thursday, 16 July 1998 (2nd Thursday), you must email a single file to jhuggins@kettering.edu containing all source code files for your program, including a file named Prog1.java containing a main method.

In addition, you must deliver to the instructor a printout of your program files at the start of class on Friday, 17 July 1998 (2nd Friday).


  1. Start Early! The intent of this program is to make sure you are familiar with Java and our Java environment. However, there are some new features in the program (e.g. file input, exception handling), and some new style requirements, that may catch you if you are not careful.

  2. The currently installed version of the Java Development Kit is version 1.1.6. To make sure that you are using the correct version, type which javac at a Unix prompt. If the answer returned is /usr/local/lang/jdk1.1.6/bin/javac, you are using the correct version. If this answer returned is anything else, delete any reference to the JDK from your .cshrc files, logout, and login again. If this does not work, see the instructor for assistance.
  3. Recall that the main method for a Java program begins as follows:

    public static void main(String[] args) ...

    args is an array of strings; the elements of this array are the command-line arguments given to this program. args.length gives the length of the array, i.e., the number of command-line arguments supplied to the program.

  4. Input and output in Java is handled via the standard Java classes. One convenient method for reading lines of input from the console and from files is the following:

    import java.io.*;
    BufferedReader console =
      new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    BufferedReader fileInput =
      new BufferedReader(new FileReader("foo.bar"));
    String inputLine = console.readLine();

    Note that FileReader throws a FileNotFoundException, which must be caught in your program.

    For more information on all of the above, see the Java API in file:/usr/local/lang/jdk1.1.6/docs/index.html on the Unix machines, or http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1/docs/index.html.

Jim Huggins / jhuggins@kettering.edu
last updated: 7 July 1998