I Am Your Child And I Need You Badly ==================================== Please look at me carefully the next time you see me. Please notice that I am small and weak. Please listen to me carefully the next time you see me. Please notice that I don’t know much. Like you, I was born helpless. And growing up so I can take care of myself will take me a long time, too. I need food. I need rest. I need to be kept clean. I need to be kept warm in winter and cool in summer. I need to be taken in your arms or sat in your lap. I need to feel your skin against my skin. I need you to help hear my hurts. I need you to play with just so you and I can have some good times together. I need you to teach me everything you can so I’ll have a chance in this world when I grow up. I need your patience. I know I’m not very orderly. I cry out for things like food and attention the second I need them. I can’t help it, and I know that bothers you sometimes. All I can hope is that you will be patient with me until I can learn to be patient too. Above all, I need to know you love me. Even if your parents gave you no love, try to give a little to me so I can give a little to my children and they can give a little to theirs children. I need so much from you, yet I have only one thing I can give you in return. That is my love. Today and tomorrow and as long as I live.