BAB's Code

Well here it is. My collection of code from my days as an undergrad student in computer science. Now I cannot promise that it's absolutely correct, but I thought I would publish what I had in order to help out fellow students.

  1. Please do not simply copy my code! Look at it and try to understand it! Believe me, you'll need to know it in the long run anyways!

Assembly Code (Motorola 68HC11 Processor)

C Code

C++ Code

Clips Code

Fortran Code

Java Code

Nachos Code (C++)

Pascal Code


If you have any questions about the code, e-mail me using the link below. However, I can't guarantee I'll be able to give you answer. It's been awhile since I did some of this stuff.

Assembly Code (Motorola 68HC11 Processor)  

C Code  

C++ Code  

Clips Code  


Java Code  

Nachos Code (C++)  


VHDL Code  

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Copyright © 1998 - , BAB